How do I make a spa appointment?
Oasis Spa is a popular retreat at the resort so we recommend you to make your spa reservation well in advance.
How early should I arrive for my Spa services?
Please check at the Spa reception desk 15 minutes prior to your first scheduled appointment. Unfortunately late arrivals may not receive an extension of schedule treatments, so as not to inconvenience other Spa Guests. To begin your relaxation we recommend you use the Spa shower prior to your services.
What should I do with my jewellery and other valuables?
Please leave your jewellery behind, however we provide a deposit box in the spa if required.
What products do we use?
Oasis Spa source Volcanic Earth items which is a local provider in Vanuatu – these items are also for sale at the spa
Do you offer gift certificates?
Oasis Spa do offer gift certificates whether it be for a specific treatment or to a monitory value. Gift Certificates can be purchase by visiting the Spa reception desk or by email.